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Workbench happenings and more…
Workbench happenings and more…
This post will show photos of the making of the ribs and linings from start to finish, with the exception of the shaping of the lings which will happen later, when the ribs are off the mould.
First the ribs need to be thinned to almost the final thickness. I do this with a block plane and scrapers.
Welcome to part 2 of making the neck. The photos in this post will move through to show the finish of the carving of the scroll, and most of the tool marks have been cleaned away by the last photos. It’s not completely finished yet, but it’s time to move on to bending the sides, and while the glue dries for the sides, I can revisit the scroll to clean it up further to remove small bumps and refine the shape, especially the throat and chamfers. Making the scroll first means that I can keep revisiting it and tweaking it when I have spare moments.
I have started to make a violin, my first for 2017. I will be using the wood shown in this photo:
Owned and operated by violin maker and repairer, Doug Cotterill and Stephany Rojas Raldes. Doug has also taught violin on the Lower North Shore of Sydney for the last 25 years.
North Shore Strings strives to offer string players more convenience and affordability when purchasing instruments, accessories, and renting.
Repairs are done by a person who knows how to make fine instruments from start to finish.
Lower Ground Suite 4
275 Alfred Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
Phone: 02 9955 0535
Mobile: 0412 452 764
By appointment only.
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10.30am to 5.30pm
Wednesday: 10.30am to 5.30pm
Thursday: 11am to 6pm
Friday: 10.30am to 5.30pm
Saturday: 10.30am to 4pm
Sunday: Closed
By Appointment. Sometimes we might need to be away from the shop. Please call or text 0412 452 764 before visiting to avoid disappointment.